What is the Dynasty?

What is the Dynasty?

Wikipedia: “…A dynasty is a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a monarchical system, but sometimes also appearing in republics. A dynasty may also be referred to as a “house“, “family” or “clan“, among others. The longest surviving dynasty in the world is the Imperial House of Japan, otherwise known as the Yamato dynasty, whose reign is traditionally dated to 660 BC and historically attested from AD 781.

Historians periodize the histories of many states and civilizations, such as Ancient Iran (3200 – 539 BC), Ancient Egypt (3100 – 30 BC) and Ancient and Imperial China (2070 BC – AD 1912), using a framework of successive dynasties. As such, the term “dynasty” may be used to delimit the era during which a family reigned.

Before the 18th century, most dynasties throughout the world have traditionally been reckoned patrilineally, such as those that follow the Frankish Salic law. In polities where it was permitted, succession through a daughter usually established a new dynasty in her husband’s family name. This has changed in all of Europe’s remaining monarchies, where succession law and conventions have maintained dynastic names de jure through a female.

Dynastic politics has declined over time, owing to a decline in monarchy as a form of government, a rise in democracy, and a reduction within democracies of elected members from dynastic families.


Building a Dynasty




The word dynasty derives from Latin dynastia, which comes from Ancient Greek δυναστεία (dynastéia), where it referred to ‘power’, ‘dominion’, and ‘rule’ itself. It was the abstract noun of δυνάστης (dynástēs), the agent noun of δύναμις (dynamis) ‘power” or ‘ability’, from δύναμαι (dýnamai) ‘to be able’.



The word “dynasty” is sometimes used informally for people who are not rulers but are, for example, members of a family with influence and power in other areas, such as a series of successive owners of a major company. It is also extended to unrelated people, such as major poets of the same school or various rosters of a single sports team. The dynastic family or lineage may be known as a “noble house”, which may be styled as “imperial”, “royal”, “princely”, “ducal”, “comital” or “baronial”, depending upon the chief or present title borne by its members…”


Why we building dynasty?

Everyone knows the basic concept: a father and a mother bring offspring into the world. Same-sex couples cannot yet create offspring. For procreation, you need a man and a woman. No more, no less.

So, for the sake of example, let’s take Adam and Eve. Everyone knows this story (not in a religious sense).

Adam and Eve bring children into the world. Their children can only pass on the knowledge, material goods, and security they’ve learned or can manage to provide. If there are grandparents, that’s an additional support, but nothing more.

The children are born, they go to daycare and kindergarten, and they will most likely attend the school closest to their home.

The children somehow grow up, and whichever high school accepts them based on their academic performance, that’s where they’ll go.

While the children grow, time is passing too. The parents either manage to maintain the standard of living they created at the time of their children’s birth or not. Usually, they separate, and the child sees their father or mother for two days every two weeks. If something extraordinary happens—if Adam & Eve stay together for 20-30 years—then that can be considered a miracle today.



So, the child grows up, taking the teachings and personality they received from their parents into the big world. The young adult wants to be independent. They want their own car, their own house, lots of entertainment, and lots of money. If possible, they continue their studies and go to college or university. Here, they start building connections. Either they build quality relationships or worthless ones. It depends on what kind of school they previously attended (the neighborhood school or a private tutor), and what kind of environment they grew up in.

This makes people diverse. And this also determines whether someone will be able to make a living from their salary later or not.

Today, this is the basic concept.

I think the problem with this is that it doesn’t move us forward. Humanity progresses slowly because parents have to teach their children what they themselves have already learned. This typically takes 20 years. So, each generation loses 20 years of their life just learning what the previous ones knew. Meanwhile, the world changes, technology advances, and today things don’t work the same way they did 20 years ago.

Adam and Eve’s teachings are fading. Their knowledge is worth nothing today. New professions, new jobs have emerged. Children in school learn about the past. Their future is mostly determined by their financial situation, relationships, and personality.

Those who want to have children today have a choice in their hands. Most people choose to have children for the fulfillment of their own happiness. And then, whatever happens, happens… “It has never happened that somehow things didn’t work out…” We know this saying. There is no planning, no forward thinking.

The choice is in our hands. If we want to build a safe future for our children, we must take care of their future now. The best way to do this is by building a family. We need to create a family that our descendants can carry forward. This is what we call a dynasty. That’s why we need to build a dynasty. This is what we excel at, and this is where we help our clients.

How do we build a dynasty?


Connected with multiculturalism, with highly knowledgeable children (Pantomath).

Anyone who wants to start a family today has to plan their life. If someone jumps headlong into having a child, they quickly experience the dark side of the process of becoming a parent.


Family Planning



“…Family planning is “the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births…”

What makes us exceptional?

  1. There is no other company in the world that offers such broad and comprehensive support. Today, the word “Dynasty” has shifted towards roofers and generational home renovation businesses, taking away the distinctive meaning that the word itself represents. We put a stop to this process and restore the word to its deserved meaning: family, growth, education, and everything behind it.
  2. Building a dynasty is about more than money or wealth accumulation. We place our clients in a multicultural environment.
  3. We have our own matchmaking website where people ready to start a family can find each other.
  4. We’ve developed our own educational system for our students.
  5. We provide our students with homes around the world.
  6. New concept for finance

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