The 4 pillars

Based on my example, we set up 4 pillars to secure your child’s future.


The first pillar:

Brotherhood and togetherness.

Dynasty siblings
It is necessary for everyone to have a brother.
The meaning of sibling: “…The sibling of someone is the person, other than oneself, with whom one’s father or mother (or both) is in common, by adoption or by natural path…”

If you don’t have a brother, you’re alone. If you have a sibling, you are not alone in the world. It’s that simple.

Basically, you grow up together, you discover the world around you together. If you are in this lucky situation, you have a person by your side who knows you and who you know. If you receive proper upbringing and education from your parents, you can help each other throughout your life!
This is the first thing to created. The brother and brotherhood.
You can joint our Facebook team here

The second pillar:

The your Company.

When you have a child, you also take responsibility. The responsibility of your child’s life! It depends on you what kind of life your child will have!
It doesn’t matter if you already have your own company or companies. It doesn’t matter that your children will inherit your existing companies anyway. It’s completely different now.
You should make a company, just for your children! This company is only for your children! You open a bank account for the company and transfer a fixed amount to this account every month. The other parent must do the same. From then on, you must work together to make this money worth as much as possible in that account.
You both have hobbies. If you don’t have it, look for it. You have to bring this hobby into your child’s company and make it flourish!
This way, this task will not be difficult or burdensome. As soon as the business starts, it will take care of itself and you will have a plus that you can pass on to your child.

The Third pillar:

The Knowlege.

We define people based on their occupation:
Shoemaker, cook, car dealer, soldier, musician, dentist, teacher, film director, businessman, secretary of state, ambassador, etc.
As soon as we know someone’s occupation, we immediately know who that person is.

Some people already know where they are going to continue their studies, and some people still have no idea what they want to do with their lives. Neither is good. Why? Because anyone who wants to be a doctor, lawyer or prime minister spends all his time studying. Those who don’t know what to do with their lives need to be shown the way. Here are two paths that we combine. From birth, we provide guidance on how to raise and teach the child. We have accompanied the child’s development and learning for 24 years! We have been teaching him the following skills in a multicultural environment for 24 years:

– More native languages
– Religion and Culture knowledges
– Music knowledge: Guitar, Piano, Drums, Violin, Trumpet
– Sport knowledge: Martial arts, Team sports, Golf, Swimming, Dance
– Chess, Literature, Arts; -Sculping, Painting, Sewing, Photo- History, Sciences
– Scouting, Surviving classes, Weapons knowledges, Deep diving, Cave knowledges
– Roller skating, Skateboarding, Ice skating, Hoverboard, Bicycle, Motorcycles, Car, Taxi skills, Truck and Train driving, Boat driving, Helicopter and Plane driving
– Computer, Programming languages knowledges, Software-Hardware knowledges, Social media knowledges, IT knowledges
– General etiquette, Fashion, Jewellery and Beauty knowledges, Cooking skills, First aid knowledges, General medical, Dental & Veterinary knowledges
– Global business principal: Marketing, Financial & law knowledges, Accounting, Economics & Statistics knowledges, Business knowledges
– Environmental protection knowledges, Ocean protection, Wild life protection knowledges, Astronomy knowledges, Human rights knowledges
– Architectures knowledges, Drawing and Graphic knowledges, Creative media knowledges, Radio and Tv knowledges, Code languages knowledges
– Guided tour knowledges, Logistics knowledges, Car mechanics knowledges, Electricity knowledges, Hairdressing knowledges
          – Fitness and Health protection knowledges, Composer & Sound Technician knowledges, Restaurateur, Detective & Journalism knowledges, Food technician knowledges
          – Mentalist &  Magical knowledges, Bartender/Mixer skills, Complex problem solving, Critical thinking, Creativity, People management, Coordination, Emotional intelligence knowledges
          – Ability to make decisions, Service orientation, Negotiation technique, Cognitive flexibility knowledges, Graphological knowledge

Can you tell me the name of the person who knows all this?



We yes:  Your child!

The Fourth Pillar

A shared home

The wikipedia:

“…A home, or domicile, is a space used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for one or many humans. It is a fully or semi sheltered space and can have both interior and exterior aspects to it. Homes provide sheltered spaces, for instance rooms, where domestic activity can be performed such as sleeping, preparing food, eating and hygiene as well as providing spaces for work and leisure such as remote working, studying and playing.

The concept of ‘home’ has been researched and theorized across disciplines – topics ranging from the idea of home, the interior, the psyche, liminal space, contested space to gender and politics. The home as a concept expands beyond residence as contemporary lifestyles and technological advances redefine the way the global population lives and works. The concept and experience encompasses the likes of exile, yearning, belonging, homesickness and homelessness…”


In my opinion, home means rest, family, security, freedom and a base. You always leave there in the morning and return there in the evening. That’s what a child needs. The home. But he also needs his parents. Together, parents and home give the child the basic security it needs. In this home, you usually have a room that you can lock yourself away at any time and be alone there whenever you want.

Some have a vacation home and some don’t.

Why do people have vacation homes???

Who came up with this???

I think whoever came up with this was:  a genius!

What do we use the holiday home for?

Some people spend their holidays or winter rest there, some people garden, and some people retreat there from the noise of the world.


We put together the holiday home with the feeling of home, for every weekend!

Until the child turns 24!

We provide everyone, in every country, with a common home so that the child can be with his multicultural siblings without being able to close the door to his room.

House, Apartments, Flat

With our joint efforts, your child can follow a path in life where he does not have to be afraid of bumpy roads:



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